Tuesday, June 20, 2006

There's a storm a-brewin'...

I am a human barometer. If there's any kind of storm or bad weather headed my way... I'm miserable. A major shift in the weather? You can be pretty certain I'll have a headache. Oh, and I'll be grumpy grumpIER.

So where do I live? Right. In the midwest. In that place where they love to say, "Don't like the weather? Wait five minutes and it will change."

I think I'm a sucker for punishment. Or a sadist.


-R- said...

Everywhere I have lived, people have said that thing about the weather changing every 5 minutes. But really, it is only true in the Midwest! Don't worry; I'm sure it will be 90 degrees every day pretty soon.

Ludicrousity said...

Melbourne has a reputation for being like that, but it's not really tha tbad at all. Gotta love Melbourne!

Nessa said...

I can feel when thunderstorms are coming. No, it doesn't have anything to do with the darkening skies.

wire said...

If this was a a thriller movie you'd be the women with too many cats who senses that 'evil' has come to town. The director would cut to you just as the killer rolls in to town on a dark and stormy night, your shutters would be flapping in the wind and you'd be sitting in candlelight cackling...

Or if you were a guy you'd be one of two things; 1. a farmer who can 'feel it in his bones' when the weather is changing and tries to warn everyone of the impending hurricane brought on by some sort of corporate slackness/corruption/cost-cutting but is ignored. Or 2. the wise old indian chief dispensing fireside wisdom to a rebelous youth who has an important part to play in some sort of larger cosmic plan to save the forest. The youth would ignore your warnings of an impending storm but he/she would come good in the end.

Anonymous said...

I think the weather is like that nearly everywhere. The worst change I remember is when Zach (now 17) was a baby, and we lived in Ft. Worth. (Unfortunately, I don't have your gift. I was in the mass of people who never saw it coming... including every *$&%$#@ meteorologist in town). It was 96 degrees. The next day we got a "cold front" and it was in the teens. WTF?!? The poor kid had NO clothes with sleeves. I had to wrap him in a blanket and take him shopping for blanket sleepers and such.

don't call me MA'AM said...

-r-: unfortunately, it's been in the upper 80s and 90s for a few weeks now. For the next few days, it's supposed to be low 80s, but with storms scattered here and there. My head might as well be in a vise.

ludi: I would LOVE to be in Melbourne rightnow. :-)

goldennib: sucks, huh.

wire: ummmmm... yeah. You have too much time on your hands. haha! Or, are you saying I'm a witch???

tammara: happens all the time around here. You always keep a sweatshirt in your car, and you always dress in layers. Period.

don't call me MA'AM said...

MPB: so you've lived the nightmare, eh?