Wednesday, January 24, 2007

A Plea...

If you're starting to feel sick, please stay home from work. Because... when you don't... you pass along your sickly germs to your colleagues. And they get sick.

My head feels like it weighs a thousand pounds, my throat hurts, and I generally feel achy all over. Thank you, Cubicle Neighbor. I really appreciate it. I'm sure my husband and I will have an absolutely lovely anniversary weekend. Truly.

Oh, and guess where I am? Yes. I'm home. I don't feel like passing along these transferred sicky germs to everyone else... you know... like YOU did to me.

Yes, I know that sometimes germs are passed before symptoms even show up. But if you're hacking up a lung... just stay home.

That's all. Thanks for listening.


Anonymous said...

As I read this, I am in my office hacking up a lung. BUT! I have been hacking up a lung for several weeks now, and I did take a day off when I was at my worst. And no one else has gotten sick here... yet... that I know of. Heh. I am so defensive.

Anyway, feel better soon! And happy anniversary!

don't call me MA'AM said...

-r-: I didn't stay home long... I had to come into work this afternoon. Oh, well. I was just whining anyway (quelle surprise!).

Anonymous said...

Nooo! Aww, feel better soon. And happy anniversary!

Anonymous said...

I was sick last week and cancelled my clients not to spread to "joy" - it's bad to hear/see some people at work, barely able to function...

Hope you'll feel better and happy anniversary! How many years of bliss?

lizgwiz said...

Ah, sorry you're sickly. Get better soon.

There's a real problem in this country with employers not wanting employees to use sick time, and employees who don't have sick time not wanting to lose pay. It's a great boon for the cold medicine industry, I'm sure!

Anonymous said...

I go to work unless physically I just can't - Which is rare. I have plenty of sick time, but as some have mentioned, it's not looked well upon when you use it - Even though that's what it's for. Also, I get behind when I miss work and that makes it hard when I return, probably still feeling under the weather. My third reason for working when ill-but-functioning is that I really need to have my sick time available for when my son is not feeling well, because I have to be home for him.

I don't wish to get others ill, and quite frankly, I don't think I do. As you mentioned, the germs are there before you show symptoms. By the time you're feeling SO bad you can't work, you're probably not all that contagious anymore, and if you are, the germs have already been floating around for days, and won't be gone just because you decide to stay home at that point.

I've been lucky and haven't had much of a cold in a few years, though. :)

Anonymous said...

I know!! People think they're so brave by coming to work sick, because we must SOOO need them, and I just want to wring their necks.

Anonymous said...
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