Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Yet Another Short Hiatus...

Surgery is scheduled for this Thursday. See you after recuperation! Who knows... maybe I'll be able to read blogs while I'm out of commission!


stinkypaw said...

Good luck with that! Will be thinking of you. Take care & big hugs.

Nessa said...

Reading blogs - makes surgery worthwhile. Good luck. I'll be thinking of you.

lizgwiz said...

Wishing you a speedy, blog-filled recovery!

Alyssa said...

Good luck! This is also an excellent time to catch up on all the stuff in your iPod.

Anonymous said...

You take care. And RELAX! Catch up on some sleep.

M.Amanda said...

Good luck. Thinking of you.

Luke said...

Bah! I just start reading your blog at your go on a small hiatus. Just my luck. :P

Best of luck! I hope it all goes well for you. :)

JulieGong said...

Good luck with the surgery. Here's to a fast recovery!

Anonymous said...


The Grumster got out of surgery yesterday and is doing well. A little (OK, a lot) sore, but she'll be talking to you all soon.

Anonymous said...

all the best grumpster!

Nessa said...

Thinking about you and wondereing how you are doing.

metalia said...

Wishing you all the best; hope you have a sppedy recovery, GF!

Anonymous said...

farm boy - you call your beloved: "the Grumpster" ...

While she is in a delicate state, requiring sympathy and chocolate and new shoes?

The Grumpster??

Are you crazy?

If I did that I'd be being admitted for surgery of an ~ectomy kind! If you get my drift.

How are you doing on the adoring partner front?

- Flowers? Have you done the flowers thing?

- Compliments: We're talking unashamed flattery here... : "You are looking wonderful, so young, so beauoootiful!" No, lying in bed in pain recuperating, without your makeup, and your hair all mussed up and greasy does NOT SHOW AT ALL!! All the fellas here, doctors and males nurses are smitten by your radiant beauty and charm"

- Presents: Chocolates, vouchers for new shoes (don't try and buy them yourself), perfume (expensive) etc etc.

OKm go to it, farmster!