Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I May Resort To Carrying A Fire Extinguisher With Me...

You know what bugs the crap out of me?!?!

When I take the time to shower and smell nice everyday... and then some asswipe decides he doesn't need to follow the rules and proceeds to walk the narrow 100 foot walkway PAST the "no smoking past this point" zone*... with cancer stick in hand... blowing his stinky smoke in MY HAIR! **

Break the rules, endanger your health, and stink yourself up on your own time, you insensitive jackass!

Did I mention that I was THIS CLOSE to yelling all of this out loud to that jerk this morning?!?
The only thing holding me back is the recent stabbings and shootings in our area over seemingly minor arguments (one for music being too loud, and one over "life issues"-- not linking these to the actual news articles. Sorry!).

RAWR! There. I think I feel a little better.

*This is the zone I take care to walk completely around, as I am allergic to cigarette smoke, have asthma, and don't want to smell like smoke, of smoke, etc. I have no problem with it being there, as long as people follow the rules.

**Yes, I know it's a run-on sentence. Ask me if I care.


Anonymous said...

I totally freakin' agree with you. I don't have asthma, but I HATE the smell of cigarette smoke. I hate even walking behind someone who's smoking. Or riding in a car with someone who just had a smoke at the gas station. BLAH.

lizgwiz said...

There have been several stupid stabbings here lately, too.

I walked into Target yesterday behind a guy trying to get the last out of his cigarette before he hit the door. The wind blew the smoke right in my face and I hope he heard my coughing and knew he caused it! (I know, he was probably oblivious.)

stinkypaw said...

You should have said something, maybe not give it to him. but at leastpoint out he was outside the "zone"... but then again with all the rage going around, maybe it's better this way...

don't call me MA'AM said...

jen: preach on, sister!

liz: I just want to punch people in the face when they do that!

stinkypaw: yes, agreed. I was "THIS" close, and then thought maybe I didn't want him to stab me.

wire said...

Simple solution - invest in a stab-proof vest. Then you can say whatever you like to whomever you like free of the fear of reprisals :)

Julie said...

I hate the smoker smokey people too. I even hate it when they drive in front of me with the window down and I can smell it INSIDE MY CAR. Seriously? Choke on your own disgusting life taking smoke and leave me out of it. Okay, I feel better.