Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Fruit Bully

Attention, sellers and distributors of fruit cups, fruit salads, fruit medleys, et cetera, et cetera.

CANTELOUPE spoils the flavors of the other fruits. SOME people detest canteloupe. Please stop adding canteloupe. It bullies the strawberries and pineapple into tasting like canteloupe. I do not like canteloupe.

That is all.


stinkypaw said...

Thank you for sharing! ;-)

the cubicle's backporch said...

I agree.

You're totally gonna change the world, one complaint at a time!

3carnations said...

I actually really enjoy cantaloupe.

That said, I generally prefer ALL my fruits one at a time, not in a fruit salad/cup format.

M.Amanda said...

For once I must completely disagree with you. I luuuv the mixed fruit, especially when the melons (Cantaloupe, honeydew and watermelon) are mixed with some strawberry and kiwi. I can do without the pineapple, though.

Poppy said...

If this were a Facebook note I'd click the Like.

Grumpy Frump For the Win! (I would write FTW, but someone the other day said he thought I meant the other ftw.)

lizgwiz said...

That's exactly how I feel about bell peppers.

don't call me MA'AM said...

@stinkypaw you're so welcome! ;-)

@jen I hope so. Besides, if I didn't grump, I would probably explode.

@3car yes, I think I could live in a world with canteloupe eaters if we could just keep the fruit segregated. Fruit+Segregation= Good. People... NOT. (just so we're all clear on my feelings)

@Sparkling Cipher hmmm, I suppose we can still be friends. ;-)

@Poppy W00T! Thank you! (I know "W00T" is passe, but I just can't help myself.) Oh, and yes... please do be careful with those acronyms. We wouldn't want to confuse anyone.

@Liz Ugh. ME TOO. I used to like bell peppers... and actually, still do. They just do not like me. In fact, I think it's safe to say that they hate me.