Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Tell Me What I Want... (what I really really want)...

Instead of whining (again) about how busy I am, I have decided that I should come to you, O Friends of the Bloggy Cosmos, for ideas of what I should/could do to de-stress. After my "two weeks in hell" are over, I will take a day or two off (a Monday and possibly a Tuesday) for mental health.

Please send me your recommendations for my mental health day(s) via the comments. There's always the fall-back massage or pedicure (massage AND pedicure would be nice, too)... but I'm betting you all have amazing ideas that my brain is not capable of conjuring at this moment in time.

There are limited funds, of course... and because I have children, I probably can't jet off to Paris... or even anywhere outside the burgeoning metropolis I call home. Those are your limits, but you can go crazy with the rest of the details.

Thanks for playing.


stinkypaw said...

for me a real get away would be a day or 2 at the spa, where you only have to walk around in your robe, be fed and be massage, facial, manu & pedi, the whole shabang...

Whatever you decide to do, try to relax and truly enjoy it.

lizgwiz said...

Take in a bunch of silly summer movies, all at daytime bargain prices, of course...and just sit there for hours in that cool, cool dark theater.

Why yes, it has become brutally hot and sunny here, why do you ask?

Nessa said...

For me, it would be hours of uninterrupted reading.

don't call me MA'AM said...

stinkypaw: great idea... I just might do that!

lizgwiz: that is also a fabulous idea. Especially with the heat/humidity here as well. It's supposed to be in the upper 90s all next week. Maybe I'm just in hell and haven't realized it. haha

goldennib: ooh... maybe uninterrupted reading at the spa??? Yeah!

Alyssa said...

I'd go with massage, french pedicure, and a nice dinner out at a place with a real table cloth - with the Farm Boy of course.

wire said...

Step 1: Take five dollars worth of quarters and put them in the end of a long sock (preferably something with good tensile strength).

Step 2: Turn off all communication devices in the house - phones, fax... even the computer :)

Step 3: Arrange the plumpest and softest cushions you can find around you on the floor, right up to your feet.

Step 4: Swing the sock as hard as you can round and round over your head.

Step 5: Bring down the sock on the base of your skull and enjoy 3-4 days of blissful unconsciousness.

Anonymous said...

My version of a perfect day off is sleeping all day. Lying in bed with the TV on, dozing in and out of consciousness. All day. It's cheap and so wonderful. For me, anyway.w

Paisley said...

Find yourself a pool and a magazine or trashy novel, STAT! Nothing is more relaxing than listening to the trickle of water, being leisurely, easy reading and an endless supply of Diet Coke at your side.


A facial doesn't hurt, either. Those things are more relaxing than a massage. Seriously.