Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Listen, do you want to know a secret...

Has anyone seen those new commercials for Secret deodorant? You know... "Share your Secret?"

The first one, where the daughter tells her mother, "Dad took me to get a tattoo." Mom's expression and reaction was pretty funny... so, I thought, Eh. These aren't so bad.

The one that was on today, though? One's secret is that she doesn't ever want children, and the other's is that she's 4 months pregnant.

Can anyone even understand these women? They're crying... they're talking in that high, dolphin frequency that women use when they're crying and trying to talk. Blech. Do I need this kind of emotional outburst from a commercial for deodorant?!?

I don't know... what do you think? Good? Bad?


MiMaw said...

Some secrets are better kept as secrets. Not to mention broadcast on national television. Of course, blogging it is a different story.

don't call me MA'AM said...

libragirl: you're kidding?! Nope. Didn't see that one. And if I ever bought my kids' prom dates, I'd NEVER tell them. Ever. Never ever.

mimaw: Amen.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, please - people crying and talking are like a high-pitched whirring noise - please god, somebody make it stop. And um, it wouldn't sell me deoderant.

-R- said...

I have not seen any of these! I love Secret deodorant though. Because you really needed to know that.

Guinness_Girl said...

First - warning: I am drunk. Second - dude, I dont' need people who use Secret deodorant to tell me their secrets. I have sisters-in-law for that. (Including one who told me she punches herself in the eyes to rid herself of emotional pain and one who told me her husband drove home so drunk that he fell asleep in the garage with one foot in the car and one foot out. I have enough secrets on my plate, thank you.) (Did I mention my husband's family is fucked up?)

stinkypaw said...

Haven't seen any of those, and from the sound of it I don't think I want to either...

M.Amanda said...

I thought the "I'm not the age you think I am"/"I know you lie about you're age; I saw your passport" one was really funny. There was one where a girl told her mom she got her first kiss. That was not as good. I only caught the end of the prom-date ad. Now I want to see the whole thing.

Commercials don't usually make me want to buy stuff. To me, they are mini-entertainment between parts of the regular entertainment.

Anonymous said...

Dude, that sounds messed up! I don't want to hear people crying when I'm just trying to keep my underarms from being stanky.

Sung Sook said...

Have they seriously gone that far with the Secrets? I saw the tattoo one but this sounds ridiculous.

I'm going to see if my mom will star in one with me, in which she reveals to me that I'm adopted. *shhhhhhhhhh* It's a secret!

Paisley said...

Please, no screaming on commercials and being annoying.

How weird. I haven't seen these. Is that a sign that I watch stuff on DVR too much?

don't call me MA'AM said...

tammara: it actually makes me NOT want to buy it!

-r-: of course I needed to know that about you. Why wouldn't I?

gg: first of all, I LOVE when you comment in all your drunken glory. And oh, girl, you made me laugh! You should write a 'fictional' book about your in-laws.

stinkypaw: count yourself lucky.

margus: PH balanced, you dirty hippie. haha

sparkling: I agree... SOME commercials are just mini-entertainment. And then some of them are just downright annoying.

nabbalicious: exactly. Couldn't they just say, "You won't STANK if you use this?" I would buy that brand!

linds: yes, yes they have. And I would laugh my arse off at your commercial. I think you should do it!!!! OH, and if you somehow worked in a little Richard Marx tune, too? Classic.

don't call me MA'AM said...

paisley: no, it's probably a sign that you have more of a life than the rest of us. ;-)