Sunday, October 22, 2006

The Grump has been temporarily detained...

Just wanted to quickly post an "I'm Sorry" to all of you whose blogs I read regularly... I haven't been regularly reading anything lately. I'm hoping this week will get a little better, and I can get back to reading and commenting again. Not that you even care... but if you do, I am sorry.

Oh, and I really need to do some upkeep on "All the Cool Kids," as there are some I need to add and some I should maybe remove... not because they're not cool kids, but because they don't even blog anymore.

Also, my 1st Bloggy-versary is this Friday, so I should probably be around for that. :-)

So... I hope to be visiting you soon again! Have a great week.


Nessa said...

I care.

But take your time. There's always so much going on.

stinkypaw said...

I care. :-)

don't call me MA'AM said...

Thanks, goldennib and stinkypaw. Margus, sorry man. I know you live for my posts. haha

Jaek said...

As one who just came off of a writing slump, I can empathize with you.

Just don't leave us forever.

P.s. Did you ever hear a radio show in your neck of the woods that was called "Free Beer & Hot Wings"? It would have been a few years ago.

don't call me MA'AM said...

othur-me: really? Ummm... it was one MILLION dollars bail. I'll send you my PayPal account so that you can send the money asap.

jaek: Good, I hope that means you've updated a few posts yourself!

p.s. Yes, I did. Why?

Jaek said...

Free Beer & Hot Wings currently rock our local morning show. I listen every morning on my way to school. Recently they made a reference to when they were in Omaha. Huh, small world.

If you're interested, check out

don't call me MA'AM said...

Cool... I wondered where they went.