Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Some people just need to be smacked upside the head...

Quote from Evangeline Lilly (as told to Elle and reported by a MSN Entertainment) about what a burden it is to be beautiful:

"'I spent many nights crying myself to sleep wishing I was ugly because of the way men leered and disrespected me, because they assumed things about my mental capacity or my physical willingness based on the way I look,' the "Lost" star laments."

Hmmmm... what was I going to say? Oh, yeah. SHUT THE HELL UP! Guess what? Life's tough. Even for the beautiful people. If that's the worst thing you ever have to deal with, count yourself lucky. What she doesn't mention are all the advantages she's had BECAUSE of her looks.

I have big boobs. Most guys don't know my eye color. Wah! I wish I were flat so men would respect my mind. WAH! WAH! Oh, yeah. Wait. No I don't. Because I'm not a PSYCHO!

What a fooking baby. Get a life, Evangeline.


don't call me MA'AM said...

Did I just say "boob" in my post? Yep, I think I did!

don't call me MA'AM said...

Amen, jurgen. Amen.

Anonymous said...

You've GOT to be kidding me. I'll hold her - you smack her. If she's reallylucky, maybe we can leave a dent or something, and she'll sleep better at night...

And she definitely qualifies for JN's "not as cute as you think you are" award. Sheesh.

wire said...

I can relate to what she's saying, i too am cursed with the looks of a sexy, sexy lady, and let me just say that i am sick and tired of men checking me out as i walk down the street. I'M A FREAKIN' GUY! QUIT LOOKING AT ME!!

don't call me MA'AM said...

tammara: we'll take turns smacking her. That way, we both get to feel better. Team work, team work! Yay! ;-)

wire: you do NOT look like a girl. or a sexy lady. You're a PRETTY man. hee hee HEE!

iggi said...

Ha. pretty people don't like being pretty, not pretty people don't like not being pretty, the only happy people are invisable.

Martin Boutros said...

Maybe, Wire, if you stopped wearing those frockless evening straps, we'd notice you for your mind rather than your Klinger-eque good looks!

Frump: Yes you did say 'b__bs' and I'm docking you 100 points - IQ points that is!

Good point, Peebody, Her avatar does seem like a subconscious attempt to distract attention from her mind... (As was that whole blonding buisness was)

: )

Paisley said...

I'd do her.


At least she was in the Peace Corps or something like that. I think that gives her a little more value than say...Eva LogHOria. hee hee.

don't call me MA'AM said...

jill: being invisible would be the best super power, I think!

MPB: You bloxhead! ;-) Maybe I'll post a picture of just my eyes... would THAT make you happy? I told you I can't post my real pic... I had a stalker.

rev: wire wears strapless evening frocks? or frockless evening straps? so confused... OH, and I didn't lose IQ points. Even if I did... I have enough to spare. haha!

paisley: I don't like either of those two. They could all just go away as far as I'm concerned. I'll just keep watching The Medium. That kooky Patricia Arquette is just fine with me!

Red said...

Siiiiigh. I hear ya, Evageline... I hear ya all too well.

You know what, though? I do kind of feel bad for her, because she doesn't seem to have enough perspective to realize that, as you said, if that's her biggest problem, it's not really a problem. Sad! Here's hoping we see her on the next ProActiv ad...

don't call me MA'AM said...

red: EXACTLY! That's why I think she needs to be smacked upside the head. ;-)

margus: I think you should get to work right away at inventing those machines. Especially the pee one.

MPB: Yes. I had a stalker. And I already blogged about it

Ludicrousity said...

Did she really say that? What an idiot! I can see her point, but puh-lease!!! As if you'd say that in international media! How did she expect to get sympathy for that? Oh poor you, you're hot!

don't call me MA'AM said...

ludi: yeah, she's a big WAH-baby. Somebody call the WAH-mbulance. ;-)

Anonymous said...

It's a DEAL. Should be easy to find her - just look for the drunk driving around Hawaii. (HA!)