Monday, February 06, 2006

Slow read... take it easy...

Each year since I've been out of college (and no, we're not counting), I've tried to read 45-50 books a year. Considering I have to do some professional reading for my job, it really hasn't been that difficult. Mostly, though, I read for myself. I'll find something that catches my eye and looks interesting to ME. So, I read it.

To achieve this goal, I have to read about 3 or 4 books per month. Again, not a difficult thing to do. I love to read, and I'm pretty quick about it. The only time I take a break from this is when I'm taking 6 or more hours per semester of grad classes. I'll usually be happy with about 25-30 books per year during that time.

So... here it is... February 6. And I've only read THREE BOOKS this year. Technically, I haven't even finished the third one. This sucks. The first one was a really short one, so that was easy. The last two, though, have been incredibly slow reads.

The first was Not In Kansas Anymore by Christine Wicker. It wasn't horrible... just not what I expected. The book is a study on magic in America. The author interviews Wiccans, hoodoo practitioners, voodoo priests, vampyres (yes, they spell it that way), elves, and other people who believe they are magical beings. My review? EH. It was a slow read. I like Wicker's other stuff, but I really think she needs to learn how to use commas (if you've read her at all, you know what I mean).

The other book I'm currently trying to finish is Adriane On The Edge by Paul Mandelbaum. First, there are very few men who can write from a woman's perspective (even if it's third person omniscient) and truly capture the way a woman thinks and feels. I don't think Mandelbaum is one of them (before anyone labels me sexist, know that I wouldn't write a novel from a man's perspective either. I wouldn't be able to capture a man's mind). Sometimes, I think Mandelbaum misses the boat entirely. Other times, his transitions from chapter to chapter are so abrupt, I think, "Wait! What just happened?!? Anyway, this is another very slow read, and I'm frustrated trying to get through it. I REALLY have to hate a book to not finish it. I don't hate this one, but I don't like it either.

I have quite a few books queuing up that I really want to read, including a "re-read" of To Kill A Mockingbird. Haven't read that since I was 12. I guess I'll just have to tough these two out and then get cooking. Taking a break from blogging and reading blogs might help, too... but how could I ever do that? :-)


Red said...

I'm trying to read a lot more books this year myself, which is the reason I started listing them on the side of my blog, to basically shame myself into literacy. I'm reading one right now called Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life which is really witty and entertaining and, I realized, kind of like reading someone's blog in its entirety, in one sitting.

Anonymous said...

I think it's a virus that's going around. I've read (ready?) ONE book this entire year. Pathetic. And it wasn't even tough reading!

Ludicrousity said...

I'm re-reading to kill a mockingbird at the moment too! I always say I want to read more. I have to just pull myself away from the computer more often...

Paisley said...

I WANT to read a lot this year. I keep procrastinating. I read a bazillion books in the tail end of 2005 and now my brain is on hiatus. I think I've renewed the same book at the library 6 times and I'm only on page 2.


Mair said...

For some reason, I skip over post titles sometimes -- but I just saw and loved this one! Cute.

Anonymous said...

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