Saturday, February 18, 2006

Something cool arrived in the mail today. I will take a picture when I'm back in the office on Tuesday. Until then (this is officially a teaser), some random thoughts:

1. Why didn't I get the chocolate gene? I'm not complaining... really. In fact, it's probably a blessing in disguise. My sister will do just about anything for chocolate. We actually beg her to eat a little each day. She's much nicer that way. ME? Nope. I have to be in the mood for chocolate. Now, wave some cherry Twizzlers at me, and I'm a goner.

2. Why do people's houses have a distinct SMELL? Like, you can be blindfolded, carried into a van, driven around in circles to become confused, have someone lead you into a house of someone you know... and you can SMELL where you are. "Yep. That's my mom's house." "Ah, we're at the Brother's house." And it's not pet odor, body odor, filthy garbage, or anything like that. It's just a SMELL. Some are pleasant. Some are not so pleasant. What the hell causes that SMELL??!?!?!?

3. My nephew and my husband (and his twin) had a birthday yesterday. Nephew's 1st birthday party was today. That kids has more toys than he could possibly play with. He got the coolest stuff... remote control car, a basketball hoop, a Little Tykes car... you name it, he got it. After he opened all his presents, he toddled out to the front door and played Open, Shut, Open, Shut. Screw the presents. All he wants to play with is a door. Oh, well. At least it wasn't a box.

4. I don't have to go to work on Monday. Ah, sweet Lincoln's mullet! I'm going to sleep in. I am going to get my hair cut. I'm even going to let some masochistic physical therapist bend me around like a pretzel. But I don't have to go to work. Yippee.

5. I'm thinking of holding a contest. I just have to make it up first. ;-) Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

"Sweet Lincoln's mullet"?! I love that! Hahaha.

I, however, do have to work.

Gabrielle said...

I know what you mean about smell. Mine smells like Yankee Candles, which I think is a good thing. Oh, and cat vomit on occasion. Not so good. And lime, thanks to the margaritas. Hey, do you think drinking a margarita through a cherry Twizzler would be a good idea? Wanna try?

Red said...

I agree with Nabbalicious, you MUST start working sweet Lincoln's mullet into everyday conversation, whether or not the topic is President's Day.

My favorite expression about missing the point: "Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, did you enjoy the play?"

Paisley said...

Someone once told me that the house I grew up in smelled like Christmas. Hmmm...I guess that's a good thing.


JulieGong said...

Mmmmm Twizzlers...

Brie said...

what are twizzlers? and lucky you, i had silly school :(

Ludicrousity said...

I'm not a chocolate person either. I need to be in the mood, and it makes me feel sick if I eat much of it. Good thing really. I love birthdays. It's mine in 2 weeks today (Tuesday)! What is with the smell thing! I know what you mean!

Brie said...

tell tell!

don't call me MA'AM said...

Ah... a little more suspense. All details will be posted by Friday. :-)

Twizzlers are licorice sticks, Aimless.