Wednesday, January 25, 2006

A whole lotta lovin' is what we'll be bringin', c'mon get happy...

Eerily cheerful... day #2*:

1. Ah, I heart little kids. I work in a school district, but I don't teach anymore. Today, I spent 30 minutes working with two little boys who are struggling in reading. It's kind of an "administration-good-will" program where we go into the schools and help out a little. They're in 4th grade and such cute little guys. That put me in such a good mood today! I should spend an hour in an elementary school every day. It might actually make me smile more often.

2. Gabrielle posted this link to another posting with a great "oh-I-didn't-mean-to-send-that-email-Julia-Roberts-Best-Friend's-Wedding-like-operation" story. Believe me when I say, hilarity ensued.

2a. We use GroupWise for email. As long as you retract a "mistake" PRIOR to anyone opening the email, it's like you never even hit Send. Done it. Still have a job. Yep.

3. No one in my state is talking about using IMPALEMENT as a state-sponsored corporal punishment.

4. Darren gave me a blog award. Screw the Bloggies. This one means ever so much more. Feelin' the love. It's a good thing.

5. Anniversary today. Nice dinner tonight. More smiling later tonight. Although, I must say... the florist must be late. No deliveries to my desk yet. Update! A dozen roses, a Happy Anniversary balloon, an I Love You balloon, and a box of Russell Stover's was delivered to my desk at 2:00pm CST. He loves me. *grin*

It's a good day.

*Photo credit:


Ludicrousity said...
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Ludicrousity said...

Yay for the blog award!

Happy anniversary! Sounds like it'll be lots of fun! Can't wait to hear about all the romantic things he did for you! Roses? Ballon? How awesome! What is a box of russell stover's though?

Ludicrousity said...

By the way, you blog more than I can keep up with!

don't call me MA'AM said...

Ludi- Thanks! Russell Stover's is a yummy brand of chocolates. The assortment he gave me is about half a pound (about 225 grams). Funny thing is, he'll get most of it. I'm watching my girlish figure, ya know. ;-)

Thanks, nabbalicious. I think he's a keeper.

don't call me MA'AM said...

Yeah, you're funny. Considering I'm not even 40 years old, that would have been an interesting wedding.

THREE years. Not 40. Got it? :-)

don't call me MA'AM said...

Okay... so how did that happen? How did my comment, which was a response to MPB's... which I would have had to read first... get placed ABOVE his?

Weird! Maybe it has something to do with the planned outage in 10 MINUTES.

don't call me MA'AM said...

Margus, actually... yes, I would. It's freaking January, and we have had temps in the 50s all month. I want some freaking snow, dammit! Now... not in March/April.

Thanks, Jurgen! Yeah, I hate Lotus, too. My grad student account is through Lotus, and it just plain sucks.