Saturday, January 14, 2006

You killed my father... prepare to die.

This is my new baby. His name is Inigo Montoya. He is a betta.... isn't he dashing? He is, however, not as good a photo subject as my two furry babies. He moves around too quickly, and many of my shots are blurry. Here he is, all puffed out, thinking that his reflection is another rival male. Silly fish.


don't call me MA'AM said...

That's awesome, margus!! My step-son is a troggie... I'll have to send that to him!

Ludicrousity said...

oh so cool! Love the montoya reference too!!!

don't call me MA'AM said...

Thanks, Ludi. The Farm Boy, Westley named him. :-)

Mair said...

The subject line keeps making me laugh.

Bettas are AWESOME! I had one named Squirt for a year and a half, which I think in fish years is approximately 162. He lived a good life.

don't call me MA'AM said...

I'm just hoping he'll make it through the first week! Wow, a year and a half. He won't eat right now, so I'm trying to do a better of job of keeping his tank warm.

I had a goldfish once that lived for 7 years. Every time it looked like he was headed for Toilet Bowl Cemetery, we crushed half an aspirin and added it and a little ice to his bowl. He perked right up.

Ludicrousity said...

I had unkillable fish. I didn't treat them very well. Went away once and forgot to feed them, didnt' clean their bowl enough, and they just never died, they were like super fish.

JulieGong said...

I love the princess bride. it is oneof my first movie memories!

don't call me MA'AM said...

Super fish... if he survives this first week, I'm going to make him a cape! What kind of fish were they, ludi?

My husband (we'll be married 3 years a week from Wednesday) and I played a drinking game to Princess Bride once. Then it ended up being "our movie." Weird. I do love it, though! Maybe I'll post someday on how to play the game. Let's just say I was completely incoherent by the time they make it to the forest. ;-)